import string import collections global_offset = ord('A') global_length = ord('Z')-ord('A')+1 def clean(infilename, outfilename): """ Takes a textfile and creates a new copy without punctuations and newlines. All letters are translated to capital letters. The translation will loose digits as well. """ with open(infilename, encoding="latin-1") as infile, open(outfilename, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: for line in infile: newline = [] for letter in line.strip(): if line.startswith("Illustration:"): continue if letter in string.ascii_letters: newline.append(letter.upper()) print("".join(newline), file = outfile, end="") print("done") return def cipher(infilename, outfilename, password): """ A function that encrypts infilename with the Vigenere cipher using secret key password and writes the result to outfilename. Outfilename contains a single long line. """ count = 0 print(len(password)) with open(infilename, encoding="latin-1") as infile, open(outfilename, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: buffer = outputbuffer = [] for letter in buffer: index = count%len(password) newletter = change(letter, password[index]) outputbuffer.append(newletter) count+=1 print("".join(outputbuffer), file=outfile) return count def decipher(infilename, outfilename, password): """ Assumes that infilename has been encrypted with the Vigenere cipher that """ count = 0 with open(infilename, encoding="latin-1") as infile, open(outfilename, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: buffer = outputbuffer = [] for letter in buffer: index = count%len(password) newletter = unchange(letter, password[index]) outputbuffer.append(newletter) count+=1 print("".join(outputbuffer), file=outfile) return count def change(letter, pwd): """ changes a capital letter by adding the capital letter pwd in the Caesar cipher """ return chr( (ord(letter)+ord(pwd)-2*global_offset)%global_length+global_offset) def unchange(letter, pwd): """ undoes the change from the function change """ return chr( (ord(letter)-ord(pwd)+global_length)%global_length + global_offset) def displacement(infilename): pass def find(infilename, displacement): pass def caesar(string, pwd): """ Encrypts the string using Caesar's cipher with letter pwd and returns the encrypted string. """ result = [] for letter in string: result.append(change(letter, pwd)) return "".join(result)