Marquette University, view of Wisconsin Avenue  



This is a partially inverted class. Before each class, you will either watch presentations or read book chapters. There will be a quiz that needs to be done before class. There is also going to be a group quiz at the very beginning of class.

For the complete syllabus, click here.

Office Hours

  • Thomas Schwarz, SJ, Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 15:00 - 16:00 Room 340B
or by appointment.


Week 1

Module 1: Automata and Regular Expression

Week 2: Growth of Functions

Read the first chapter of Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, \& Stein. Concentrate on subchapter 3. Repeat from your Discrete Mathematics class induction and recursion. Repeat from you Calculus class limits and L'Hôpital's Theorem.

Week 3: Growth of Functions and Divide and Conquer

Read the first chapter of Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, \& Stein. Repeat from your Discrete Mathematics class induction and recursion. Repeat from you Calculus class limits and L'Hôpital's Theorem. Wednesday is a snow day, so the class moves to be virtual. You need to listen to the presentation and you need to do the homework for Friday in written form. You do not need to type it, but it needs to be neat.

Week 4:

Week 5: Order Statistics

Read Chapter IX of the text book.

Data Structures


Homework on order statistics due Thursday, February 28 in nicely written way. < -- homework as pdf --> < -- solution as pdf -->.

Midterm Preparation

Dynamic Programming

Greedy Programming


Graph Algorithms




Complexity Classes

Final Preparation

Last Chance Make-up Homework
