Marquette University, view of Wissonsin Avenue  


Introduction to the Course

Algorithms is an important as well as difficult topic that demands of its students a certain mathematical sophistication. I will try to provide additional resources in case that your class in Discrete Mathematics did not touch on certain topics, but these resources a no substitute for taking the full class.

To underline the importance of algorithms, I will be mining collections of programming interviews such as the book "Elements of Programming Interviews in Python" by Aziz, Lee, and Prakash for quiz and exam questions. You can use Python, C, or C++ to submit your code.

As Marquette students, you should have signed the honor's code. Violation of the honor's code will be dealt with in the humane way that the university committee on academic misconduct offers. If you collaborate with a person on homework, make a statement to this purpose. If you collaborate with a person on examinations or quizzes, you are violating the honor's code.

This class is intended to be an inverted class and I expect you to study the topic of the class before we meet. As we might have to move to a complete on-line format, you will have to attend zoom meetings at the scheduled class time. We will spend the class time deepening your understanding by lectures on particular difficult topics, activities, and quizzes. There is no make-up for missed quizzes.

The university has a policy of automatic drops for non-attendance, equivalent to two weeks of classes. This means that you will be dropped from the class, if you have not attended 4 class sessions. Your attendence is measured by your participation in the quizzes.

Homeworks are due on time. If your homework has mistakes, you can resubmit within one week for a discount of 33% of the missing points. (E. g.

Please monitor your grading, the interface of D2L makes it easy to loose freshly entered grades.


Here is the complete syllabus. --Click here.--

Office Hours

  • Thomas Schwarz MWF 12:00-13:000 or by appointment. (I am serious about the latter, just send me email.)


Online Week February 17-21

Contents (cont.)


Programming Assignment


to be posted.


to be posted.